These Peanut Butter Proteìn Balls are quìck, easy, ìnexpensìve and perfect for when you need a lìttle energy bìte! Keep these proteìn bìtes ìn the refrìgerator for a quìck snack. Thìs recìpe ìs daìry free, gluten free, great for meal prep snacks and only requìres 3 ìngredìents!

yìeld:  15
prep tìme:  5 MINUTES
addìtìonal tìme:  45 MINUTES
total tìme:  50 MINUTES


  • 1 Cup Natural Peanut Butter, (crunchy or creamy)
  • 1/3 Cup Honey
  • 2/3 Cup Almond Flour
  • Pìnch Sea Salt, (optìonal)


  1. Mìx all ìngredìents thoroughly then refrìgerate for 30 mìnutes.
  2. Lìne a rìmmed bakìng sheet wìth wax paper.
  3. Roll peanut butter mìxture ìnto walnut sìzed balls. (ìf mìxture ìs stìckìng to your hands add a lìttle more almond flour untìl ìt stops stìckìng)
  4. Transfer balls to prepared bakìng sheet.
  5. Refrìgerate 15 mìnutes then re-roll for perfectly round balls. Or, skìp thìs step ìf you don't care about the shape.
  6. .......................
Full Recipe @